Monday, September 13, 2010

What a long, strange trip it's been (and it's not over)

The title of this post says it all. I don't know where to start, so I will just start at the beginning so you have some background. In September, 2008 I started noticing some changes in Lexi. It wasn't anything huge, just enough to set off my mommy radar. I kept an eye on things & kept in close contact with our wonderful pediatrician. This woman is fabulous & we are so blessed to have her as our doctor. Fast forward to January, 2009. I was concerned about some things with Lexi so I called her pediatrician on a Friday. She was out & was to call me when she returned after the weekend. Before she could call I got a call from the school that Lexi had hauled off & hit someone. Needless to say, I was a wreck. My baby girl doesn't do that. I called the pediatrician & she told me to calm down & stay by the phone, they were getting us in with a neuropsychologist in Birmingham! A nueropsychologist? That was scary to hear. But, one week later we were in Birmingham & Lexi was going through 3 hours of testing while Todd & I went through some testing of our own. That was February 3, 2009. On February 6, 2 weeks before Lexi's 6th birthday, I went back up with a friend to get her diagnosis. I had a strange calm about me as I drove up there. I had the feeling that I already knew her diagnosis. I had decided that no matter what, I was going to be OK, and so was she.

I went into the office & sat with the doctor for a long time. He talked to me about his family & how, even though he had 3 children & we have 2, they were a lot alike. At one point he teared up while talking to me. He informed me that Lexi has ADHD. Since this was one of the diagnosis that I was expecting, I was freakishly fine with it. After our meeting the doctor told me that his work was done, but we should never hesitate to call him if we felt like we needed him. He also gave me the name of a child psychologist here in town to call & make an appointment with. I got in the car & my friend ask me if I was OK. I told her I was & what I had been told. My thought was 'we now have an answer, now we move forward'.

The last 19 months have not been easy. At first we encountered a teacher who did not want to work with Lexi. She was told her work was garbage, that she was a hateful child & she was forced to sit alone at the 'baby desk' for most of the year. I was told she would never be more than a 'C' student. I couldn't wait for that year to be over! Last year we were blessed with an AMAZING teacher. I could not have asked for better. We talked before school started so we were on the same page from day 1. We have known each other for years since she was Laney's teacher. She knows what I expect from my girls, so that was great. Lexi made great progress last year. Between the work we did at home, the wonderful teacher she had & her psychologist, we made it through. Not only that, she made A/B honor roll for 3 of the 4 marking periods!!! It wasn't easy, but it was worth it.

This year has been more difficult. Due to some things in her class that were addressed at Open House, and after talking to her pediatrician and psychologist we decided it was in Lexi's best interest to get a 504 plan in place for her. I requested it on August 7th, 2 days before school started. Yes, on a Saturday while I was up at the school for a PTA/Open House thing. As of today I am in the same position I was on 8/7! Nothing has been done & I am hitting road block after road block. I have been lied to, put off, pushed from person to person. I have had it!! I have been put off one too many times! My child not only needs this help, but she deserves it! She has worked too hard to get to where she is. I am not asking for anything out of the ordinary, I am asking for the help she is entitled to. I REFUSE to stop until I get my baby girl the help she needs. I may soon be the most hated person with the board of education, but my daughter will NOT be dismissed and shoved aside.

I am not writing this for people to feel sorry for us. If that is how you feel, please don't! My daughter has a learning disability that millions of others have. She is very smart, she just learns different than others. It may take her longer to learn, but she gets there. I am writing this because for so long I felt alone. Maybe someone will read this that is going through the same thing. Maybe someone is trying to get help for their child also. All I can say is DON'T STOP!! I am the voice of my child! I am the one standing up for her & for what is right! I will not back down! Everything I do, I do to improve things for my family, this included!

Now, to answer a question that I know people are asking. No, Lexi does NOT know about her diagnosis! Todd & I feel that there is no need for her to know. When she is older and the time is right we will tell her. Before you judge us, know that we did not want to medicate. We tried other things, but in the end things got to the point that we didn't have a choice. She is on medication, but she thinks that it's an extra vitamin that the doctor wants her to take.

This path has made me stop & ask ONE TIME "Why us?" About 30 seconds later I stopped & asked "Why not us?" We are no better than anyone else. This is the hand that we have been dealt & we are dealing with it, day by day. Some days are harder than others. Laney has had a hard time with this. She is still an amazing student & she is a wonderful big sister & daughter. But, at times she resents Lexi because she needs so much more help. Those times are getting further & further apart & now she is starting to help too. Not because we ask her to, but because she loves her little sister. I will continue to fight to get Lexi the help she needs, just as I have fought for Laney in the past and will again in the future if/when the need arises. There is a reason that we are on this path. We may never know why, but I truly believe that great things are going to come out of the struggles that we have endured & we will endure in the future. I can't wait to see what they are!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

WOW!!! Long time, no blog!!

WOW! I have not blogged in over a year because I could not remember my password. How sad is that? Well, as I was trying to join to follow our cousins blog it came back to me. It's insane I tell ya. So much has happened over the last 13 months. I can't even begin to get into all of it. It has been a year of ups & downs, just like it has for everyone else. Laney started 6th grade last month & Lexi is now in 2nd grade. It's hard to believe that my babies are growing up so fast. Todd is still at his job & loves it. I am still at my job. I have also started selling Premier Designs jewelry. It was something that was presented to last year, but I didn't consider it. This year the opportunity presented itself again & I decided to think about it. I prayed about it & prayed about it. I had a feeling that I shouldn't do it, but I pushed it aside. I knew that it was my own insecurities that was telling me not to do it. Instead I waited until I got an answer to my prayers. I finally got the answer and I have never looked back. No, I did not pray for God to tell me that it was the thing to do & then I closed up until I heard that. I prayed for him to show me if it was the right thing, and if not to show me that too. He did show me that it was the right thing. Then a little later I started seeing more of why it was the right thing. Not just from a business perspective, but also from a personal one. I have met so many wonderful women & I LOVE giving away free jewelry to my hostesses. Well, I am going to get off of here now. Please check back as I will be updating more often now that I have remembered my password. :)