Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy 4th of July

After a nice, relaxing day we decided to take the girls to the fireworks downtown at the river. We got there early and listened to the music that was being played. We had a lot of quality family time that day and that night was the perfect end to the day. This was the first time since Lexi was a little baby that we have been to the fireworks. She wasn't sure what to expect, but she loved it. I think I enjoyed watching Laney and Lexi and how they reacted to everything more than I did the actual fireworks.

Todd and the girls waiting in line for drinks. Notice Todd's new haircut
Todd & the girls again waiting with everyone else for the fireworks to begin
Me & my babies!! I look exhausted because I was.

Build-A-Bear Workshop

On July first we took the girls to Build-A-Bear Workshop. Laney had been there before & made her sister a bear when she was 3 months old, but we haven't been back since so Lexi wasn't sure what to expect. Both girls LOVED it! We had a blast. Even Todd & I had fun. Laney picked out a cat that she named Tabitha. I joked around that she couldn't get it because I am allergic to cats. She didn't buy it, so I ended up buying the cat. :o) Lexi picked out a cute "swirly" bunny that she named Ali. After the girls made their animals and dressed them (I didn't get any pics of the dressed animals) the girls thanked the girl who helped them & Lexi said "Thank you for helping bring my bunny to life." The girl (she was only 16) said that she was the sweetest, gave the girls hugs & said the Bear Pledge with them. It was so sweet & it was a time we will all remember.

The girls with their unstuffed animals
Laney stuffing her cat
Lexi stuffing the bunny
Laney with a fully stuffed Tabitha
Lexi with a stuffed Ali

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lexi's K-4 Graduation

Like I said before I was going to have to do some back tracking to catch people up on what has been going on. On May 20, 2008, Lexi graduated from K-4. Her class had a graduation ceremony complete with caps and gowns. It was so cute and I cried like my baby was going off to college. I know that it was preschool graduation, but I am so proud of her. It is just one more of the many milestones that she will reach in her life. Her class sang some songs and then got their diplomas. Lexi was so confident the entire time. Here are some pictures of her special day.

Lexi's class singing one of their songs.
Look how sweet my baby looks.
Ms. Dymond calling Lexi's name so she could get her diploma. We love Ms. Dymond, she is AWESOME!
Look at me, I DID IT!!!
The proud family at the reception.

Hi everyone!

Well, I have been debating doing a blog for a while now, so I just broke down & set this up. Why? I have become terrible at e-mailing everyone and keeping you up to date with what has been going on in our lives. I have decided that this is the best way to keep everyone updated & I won't forget anyone. The only bad part is that I will have to update this from where I left off from e-mailing people. So, please be patient as I try to catch everyone up. Hope you enjoy this blog as I get more comfortable with it. Also, any and all comments/suggestions are welcome.