Sunday, October 5, 2008

Update on testing

Just a quick update on Laney's taekwondo testing. I was able to check the website earlier and found that Laney has advanced to Senior Green Belt! I am so excited for her. I know that she had a rough time testing yesterday because of an asthma attack, but she managed to pull this out! I am so, so very proud of her. Now, it's time to concentrate on getting her ready for her tournament on October 25th!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


As we were taking pictures of the girls with the sunflowers today I noticed some had bees on them. I decided to take some pictures just to see how they would come out. While they are not my best work they aren't too bad, so I thought that I would share them.

No, there isn't a bee in this picture, I just thought that the flower looked pretty.

More Pumpkin Patch Pics

Here are a few more pictures that I took today. I wasn't able to add them to the other post. Maybe I am posting too many pictures?!?! NAH!!!!
Lexi. She woke up right before we got there
The girls by the teepee
Laney & Lexi with Sunflowers
Lexi and her new 'friend' Ashtyn. We ran into them at the Pumpkin Patch a couple of times. The girls (all 3) were wearing the same shirt & Lexi & Ashtyn thought that it was the neatest thing. We ran into them again when we stopped for ice cream on the way home & the girls insisted that I take a picture of them together.

Pumkin Patch

After testing we took the girls to Clanton to the Grand Ole Pumpkin Patch. We were there 2 years ago with Todd's brother's family & his parents. I can say that it was more fun 2 years ago. While we had a good time today I really missed the kids being able to play. The girls got their pumpkins picked out and Laney made sure that she got a big, heavy one so Daddy would have to carry it. I just laughed. We all hads a great time & really enjoyed our day.

The girls sitting on a carriage
Todd & the girls heading out to the field
Still looking for the perfect pumpkin
My pumpkins with their pumpkins
Me & my 'pumpkins'

Testing for Senior Green Belt

Today Laney was able to test for her senior green belt. She did really well during form and board breaking, but had some problems during sparring. She is normally really good, but today she didn't seem al lthat into it. When I questioned her she told me that she was having an asthma attack! Thankfully it didn't get too bad & I was able to get her inhaler to her before board breaking. No matter what the outcome of this testing is I am so very proud of her for what she has accomplished in taekwondo. She moved to a green belt in 11 1/2 months. She has her self-confidence back & she is much more outgoing than she used to be. Of course, I have to give credit where it is due and let you all know that this would not be possible if it wasn't for her instructor, Anne Docarmo! She is the greatest and I would tell anyone that was looking to start TKD to check her out. She never says anything bad to the children. She is very positive and I feel as though that helps greatly. Here are some pictures from testing. Hopefully tomorrow I will be posting her test results.

Instructor, Anne Docarmo, explaining how testing will go.
Laney showing off her form
Sparring time! Laney sparring against her good friend, Lela.
Yes, Laney broke this board with a palm heal strike!